Package 'prt'

Title: Tabular Data Backed by Partitioned 'fst' Files
Description: Intended for larger-than-memory tabular data, 'prt' objects provide an interface to read row and/or column subsets into memory as data.table objects. Data queries, constructed as 'R' expressions, are evaluated using the non-standard evaluation framework provided by 'rlang' and file-backing is powered by the fast and efficient 'fst' package.
Authors: Nicolas Bennett [aut, cre], Drago Plecko [ctb]
Maintainer: Nicolas Bennett <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.2.0
Built: 2024-09-25 03:45:02 UTC

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Get a glimpse of your data


The tibble S3 generic function pillar::glimpse() is implemented for prt objects as well. Inspired by the output of str() when applied to data.frames, this function is intended to display the structure of the data in terms of columns, irrespective of how the data is organized in terms of R objects. Similarly to format_dt(), the function providing the bulk of functionality, glimpse_dt(), is exported such that implementing a class specific pillar::glimpse() function for other classes that representing tabular data is straightforward.


## S3 method for class 'prt'
glimpse(x, width = NULL, ...)

glimpse_dt(x, width = NULL)


## S3 method for class 'prt'
str(object, ...)

str_dt(x, ...)



An object to glimpse at.


Width of output: defaults to the setting of the width option (if finite) or the width of the console.


Unused, for extensibility.


any R object about which you want to have some information.


Alongside a prt-specific pillar::glimpse() method, a str() method is provided as well for prt objects. However, breaking with base R expectations, it is not the structure of the object in terms of R objects that is shown, but in the same spirit as pillar::glimpse() it is the structure of the data that is printed. How this data is represents with respect to R objects is abstracted away as to show output as would be expected if the data were represented by a data.frame.

In similar spirit as format_dt() and glimpse_dt(), a str_dt() function is exported which provides the core functionality driving the prt implementation of str(). This function requires availability of a head() function for any object that is passed and output can be customized by implementing an optional str_sum() function.


cars <- as_prt(mtcars)

pillar::glimpse(cars, width = 30)

str(cars, vec.len = 1)



Methods for creating and inspecting prt objects


The constructor new_prt() creates a prt object from one or several fst files, making sure that each table consist of identically named, ordered and typed columns. In order to create a prt object from an in-memory table, as_prt() coerces objects inheriting from data.frame to prt by first splitting rows into n_chunks, writing fst files to the directory dir and calling new_prt() on the resulting fst files. If this default splitting of rows (which might impact efficiency of subsequent queries on the data) is not optimal, a list of objects inheriting from data.frame is a valid x argument as well.



as_prt(x, n_chunks = NULL, dir = tempfile())




## S3 method for class 'prt'
head(x, n = 6L, ...)

## S3 method for class 'prt'
tail(x, n = 6L, ...)

## S3 method for class 'prt', ...)

## S3 method for class 'prt'
as.list(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'prt', row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'prt'
as.matrix(x, ...)



Character vector of file name(s).


A prt object.


Count variable specifying the number of chunks x is split into.


Directory where the chunked fst::fst() objects reside in.


Count variable indicating the number of rows to return.


Generic consistency: additional arguments are ignored and a warning is issued.

row.names, optional

Generic consistency: passing anything other than the default value issues a warning.


To check whether an object inherits from prt, the function is_prt() is exported, the number of partitions can be queried by calling n_part() and the number of rows per partition is available as part_nrow().

The base R S3 generic functions dim(), length(), dimnames() and names(),have prt-specific implementations, where dim() returns the overall table dimensions, length() is synonymous for ncol(), dimnames() returns a length 2 list containing NULL column names as character vector and names() is synonymous for colnames(). Both setting and getting row names on prt objects is not supported and more generally, calling replacement functions such as ⁠names<-()⁠ or ⁠dimnames<-()⁠ leads to an error, as prt objects are immutable. The base R S3 generic functions head() and tail() are available as well and are used internally to provide an extensible mechanism for printing (see format_dt()).

Coercion to other base R objects is possible via as.list(), and as.matrix() and for coercion to data.table, its generic function is available to prt objects. All coercion involves reading the full data into memory at once which might be problematic in cases of large data sets.


cars <- as_prt(mtcars, n_chunks = 2L)




tail(cars, n = 2)


NSE subsetting


A cornerstone feature of prt is the ability to load a (small) subset of rows (or columns) from a much larger tabular dataset. In order to specify such a subset, an implementation of the base R S3 generic function subset() is provided, driving the non-standard evaluation (NSE) of an expression within the context of the data (with similar semantics as the base R implementation for data.frames).


## S3 method for class 'prt'
subset(x, subset, select, part_safe = FALSE, drop = FALSE, ...)

  subset = NULL,
  select = NULL,
  part_safe = FALSE,
  env = parent.frame()



object to be subsetted.


logical expression indicating elements or rows to keep: missing values are taken as false.


expression, indicating columns to select from a data frame.


Logical flag indicating whether the subset expression can be safely be applied to individual partitions.


passed on to [ indexing operator.


further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


The environment in which subset and select are evaluated in. This environment is not applicable for quosures because they have their own environments.


The functions powering NSE are rlang::enquo() which quote the subset and select arguments and rlang::eval_tidy() which evaluates the expressions. This allows for some rlang-specific features to be used, such as the .data/.env pronouns, or the double-curly brace forwarding operator. For some example code, please refer to vignette("prt", package = "prt").

While the function subset() quotes the arguments passed as subset and select, the function subset_quo() can be used to operate on already quoted expressions. A final noteworthy departure from the base R interface is the part_safe argument: this logical flag indicates whether it is safe to evaluate the expression on partitions individually or whether dependencies between partitions prevent this from yielding correct results. As it is not straightforward to determine if dependencies might exists from the expression alone, the default is FALSE, which in many cases will result in a less efficient resolution of the row-selection and it is up to the user to enable this optimization.


dat <- as_prt(mtcars, n_chunks = 2L)

subset(dat, cyl == 6)
subset(dat, cyl == 6 & hp > 110)

colnames(subset(dat, select = mpg:hp))
colnames(subset(dat, select = -c(vs, am)))

sub_6 <- subset(dat, cyl == 6)

thresh <- 6
identical(subset(dat, cyl == thresh), sub_6)
identical(subset(dat, cyl == .env$thresh), sub_6)

cyl <- 6
identical(subset(dat, cyl == cyl),
identical(subset(dat, cyl == !!cyl), sub_6)
identical(subset(dat, .data$cyl == .env$cyl), sub_6)

expr <- quote(cyl == 6)
# passing a quoted expression to subset() will yield an error
## Not run: 
  subset(dat, expr)

## End(Not run)
identical(subset_quo(dat, expr), sub_6)

  subset(dat, qsec > mean(qsec), part_safe = TRUE),
  subset(dat, qsec > mean(qsec), part_safe = FALSE)

Printing prt


Printing of prt objects combines the concise yet informative design of only showing as many columns as the terminal width allows for, introduced by tibble, with the data.table approach of showing both the first and last few rows of a table. Implementation wise, the interface is designed to mimic that of tibble printing as closely as possibly, offering the same function arguments and using the same option settings (and default values) as introduced by tibble.


## S3 method for class 'prt'
print(x, ..., n = NULL, width = NULL, max_extra_cols = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'prt'
format(x, ..., n = NULL, width = NULL, max_extra_cols = NULL)

  n = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  max_extra_cols = NULL,
  max_footer_lines = NULL




Object to format or print.


Passed on to tbl_format_setup().


Number of rows to show. If NULL, the default, will print all rows if less than the print_max option. Otherwise, will print as many rows as specified by the print_min option.


Width of text output to generate. This defaults to NULL, which means use the width option.


Number of extra columns to print abbreviated information for, if the width is too small for the entire tibble. If NULL, the max_extra_cols option is used. The previously defined n_extra argument is soft-deprecated.


Maximum number of footer lines. If NULL, the max_footer_lines option is used.


While the function tibble::trunc_mat() does most of the heavy lifting for formatting tibble printing output, prt exports the function trunc_dt(), which drives analogous functionality while adding the top/bottom n row concept. This function can be used for creating print() methods for other classes which represent tabular data, given that this class implements dim(), head() and tail() (and optionally pillar::tbl_sum()) methods. For an example of this, see vignette("prt", package = "prt").

The following session options are set by tibble and are respected by prt, as well as any other package that were to call trunc_dt():

  • tibble.print_max: Row number threshold: Maximum number of rows printed. Set to Inf to always print all rows. Default: 20.

  • tibble.print_min: Number of rows printed if row number threshold is exceeded. Default: 10.

  • tibble.width: Output width. Default: NULL (use width option).

  • tibble.max_extra_cols: Number of extra columns printed in reduced form. Default: 100.

Both tibble and prt rely on pillar for formatting columns and therefore, the following options set by pillar are applicable to prt printing as well.

Options for the pillar package

  • pillar.print_max: Maximum number of rows printed, default: 20. Set to Inf to always print all rows. For compatibility reasons, getOption("tibble.print_max") and getOption("dplyr.print_max") are also consulted, this will be soft-deprecated in pillar v2.0.0.

  • pillar.print_min: Number of rows printed if the table has more than print_max rows, default: 10. For compatibility reasons, getOption("tibble.print_min") and getOption("dplyr.print_min") are also consulted, this will be soft-deprecated in pillar v2.0.0.

  • pillar.width: Output width. Default: NULL (use getOption("width")). This can be larger than getOption("width"), in this case the output of the table's body is distributed over multiple tiers for wide tibbles. For compatibility reasons, getOption("tibble.width") and getOption("dplyr.width") are also consulted, this will be soft-deprecated in pillar v2.0.0.

  • pillar.max_footer_lines: The maximum number of lines in the footer, default: 7. Set to Inf to turn off truncation of footer lines. The max_extra_cols option still limits the number of columns printed.

  • pillar.max_extra_cols: The maximum number of columns printed in the footer, default: 100. Set to Inf to show all columns. Set the more predictable max_footer_lines to control the number of footer lines instead.

  • pillar.bold: Use bold font, e.g. for column headers? This currently defaults to FALSE, because many terminal fonts have poor support for bold fonts.

  • pillar.subtle: Use subtle style, e.g. for row numbers and data types? Default: TRUE.

  • pillar.subtle_num: Use subtle style for insignificant digits? Default: FALSE, is also affected by the subtle option.

  • pillar.neg: Highlight negative numbers? Default: TRUE.

  • pillar.sigfig: The number of significant digits that will be printed and highlighted, default: 3. Set the subtle option to FALSE to turn off highlighting of significant digits.

  • pillar.min_title_chars: The minimum number of characters for the column title, default: 20. Column titles may be truncated up to that width to save horizontal space. Set to Inf to turn off truncation of column titles.

  • pillar.min_chars: The minimum number of characters wide to display character columns, default: 3. Character columns may be truncated up to that width to save horizontal space. Set to Inf to turn off truncation of character columns.

  • pillar.max_dec_width: The maximum allowed width for decimal notation, default: 13.

  • pillar.bidi: Set to TRUE for experimental support for bidirectional scripts. Default: FALSE. When this option is set, "left right override" and "first strong isolate" Unicode controls are inserted to ensure that text appears in its intended direction and that the column headings correspond to the correct columns.

  • pillar.superdigit_sep: The string inserted between superscript digits and column names in the footnote. Defaults to a "\u200b", a zero-width space, on UTF-8 platforms, and to ": " on non-UTF-8 platforms.

  • pillar.advice: Should advice be displayed in the footer when columns or rows are missing from the output? Defaults to TRUE for interactive sessions, and to FALSE otherwise.


cars <- as_prt(mtcars)

print(cars, n = 2)
print(cars, width = 30)
print(cars, width = 30, max_extra_cols = 2)

Subsetting operations


Both single element subsetting via [[ and $, as well as multi-element subsetting via [ are available for prt objects. Subsetting semantics are modeled after those of the tibble class with the main difference being that there tibble returns tibble objects, prt returns data.tables. Differences to base R include that partial column name matching for $ is not allowed and coercion to lower dimensions for [ is always disabled by default. As prt objects are immutable, all subset-replace functions (⁠[[<-⁠, ⁠$<-⁠ and ⁠[<-⁠) yield an error when passed a prt object.


## S3 method for class 'prt'
x[[i, j, ..., exact = TRUE]]

## S3 method for class 'prt'

## S3 method for class 'prt'
x[i, j, drop = FALSE]



A prt object.

i, j

Row/column indexes. If j is omitted, i is used as column index.


Generic compatibility: any further arguments are ignored.


Generic compatibility: only the default value of TRUE is supported.


A literal character string or a name (possibly backtick quoted).


Coerce to a vector if fetching one column via tbl[, j]. Default FALSE, ignored when accessing a column via tbl[j].


dat <- as_prt(mtcars)

identical(dat$mpg, dat[["mpg"]])


identical(dim(dat["mpg"]), dim(mtcars["mpg"]))
identical(dim(dat[, "mpg"]), dim(mtcars[, "mpg"]))
identical(dim(dat[1L, ]), dim(mtcars[1L, ]))