ricu - Intensive Care Unit Data with R
Focused on (but not exclusive to) data sets hosted on PhysioNet (<https://physionet.org>), 'ricu' provides utilities for download, setup and access of intensive care unit (ICU) data sets. In addition to functions for running arbitrary queries against available data sets, a system for defining clinical concepts and encoding their representations in tabular ICU data is presented.
Last updated 9 months ago
5.65 score 39 stars 77 scripts 389 downloadsadbi - 'DBI' Compliant Database Access Using 'ADBC'
In order to make Arrow Database Connectivity ('ADBC' <https://arrow.apache.org/adbc/>) accessible from R, an interface compliant with the 'DBI' package is provided, using driver back-ends that are implemented in the 'adbcdrivermanager' framework. This enables interacting with database systems using the Arrow data format, thereby offering an efficient alternative to 'ODBC' for analytical applications.
Last updated 3 months ago
5.01 score 17 stars 1 scripts 393 downloadsprt - Tabular Data Backed by Partitioned 'fst' Files
Intended for larger-than-memory tabular data, 'prt' objects provide an interface to read row and/or column subsets into memory as data.table objects. Data queries, constructed as 'R' expressions, are evaluated using the non-standard evaluation framework provided by 'rlang' and file-backing is powered by the fast and efficient 'fst' package.
Last updated 2 years ago
4.95 score 6 stars 1 dependents 5 scripts 454 downloads